Who are we?

wanna be in closet
dress and chat online
dress with friends
dress and go out
dress openly
dress 24/7 including work
dress and have gurl sex
dress and have bi-sex
dress and have sex with men

View Results | View Detailed ResultsBy sissysilvia, August 14, 2011
For the Sissies, Concerning the last poll. If you had your only your balls and sack removed. would your cock made to remain erect at all times so that everyone could see that you are a Sissy.


View Results | View Detailed ResultsBy Theresa, August 9, 2011
For the Sissies, Your master/Mistress said you will be castrated. You have the choice on the way you will be finished. Would You?

have it all removed, balls, ball sack and cock no vagina.
Just the balls and sack.
just the cock, so you can remain in a constant state of excitement.
The balls, ball sack and half of the cock.

View Results | View Detailed ResultsBy Theresa, August 6, 2011
Sissies have any of you gone to the make-up section of a department store like Maces or JCPenny and asked for help and or advise on which makeup product to buy?

Yes but only while dressed as a girl
Yes even when I am not dressed as a girl
No I am not yet ready to do so
No prefer to order my makeup online
Maybe if another girl comes along with me

View Results | View Detailed ResultsBy Unknown, August 6, 2011
as a sissy you are to be castrated to prove that you truly are a sissy and this will show your mistress/master how dedicated to them you really are to being the best sissy ever

(2 choice max)
have your self castrated
get castrated only if they insist
strike a deal that if you do as asked they keep you for ever
just refuse
say no way and leave them

View Results | View Detailed ResultsBy markdunlap, August 3, 2011
For the sissies. Your mistress bought you a night gown and it is sheer see thru and reaches the floor on you. Knowing this we know your going to be excited and those who aren't caged will be hard. What color would you like it to be if you could choose the color?

Shocking Pink

View Results | View Detailed ResultsBy Theresa, July 29, 2011
Imagine that you have begun to suspect that a cute younger guy that you frequently see each week (at work, the gym, neighbor, etc...) might be a closet sissy or maybe just gay. You have noticed he is really wimpy, cute, and is constantly single. As your interest in him grows, you start to carefully observe him to figure it out. What do you think would be the most likely signs that he might really be a secret sissy? Pick 3 of the choices. PLEASE ONLY NON-SISSY MALES FOR THIS POLL!

(3 choice max)
He doesn't date girls (or guys) even though he is cute
His voice is soft
He blushes alot when embarassed
If you have seen him naked in the showers, his penis is very tiny
He always skips showers after working out at the gym (maybe he is hairless?)
He has smooth arms
He seems submissive to everyone around him
He cannot hold eye contact for the normal length of time before looking down at the floor
He often wears tight jeans that show off his nice ass
He never talks about girls
You have seen him briefly look at a man's crotch for a brief second
There is hardly any muscle on his body even though it is slim and fit
He has manicured fingernails
He is completely unmasculine, but he doesn't act gay either
His face is always really smooth, it's hard to tell if he even grows facial hair
His eyebrows are pretty thin. It looks as though he does some plucking but not enough to be obvious
You often get a vibe when you are around him but you can't describe why
More than once, you have got a hardon because of him even though he didn't do anything
You can tell just by looking at him that he could be passable with little effort
You caught him reading a women's magazine

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View Results | View Detailed ResultsBy erica shy, July 26, 2011
Male Dom. Who gives oral pleasure better?

A submissive generic female
A submissive sissy

View Results | View Detailed ResultsBy Unknown, July 26, 2011
OK, same thing, LTR over a year, and you have a choice of what to do first, do you get 1, 2 or 3?
Reality says once ya get one, the others will have to wait awhile...
I am really leaning toward "1" but all sound so great...

The B cups?
Head to toe laser hair removal?
A hair transplant so you could have a real full head of hair and not have to wear a wig?

View Results | View Detailed ResultsBy Unknown, July 25, 2011
You are a sissy and have been in a LTR for over a year, with realistic plans of being married to your man, he wants you to get some cute lil B cups, even though everyone will obviously see them, including your kids and parents, do you get them?

Hell Yeah!
No Way!
Wait until parents dead/kids older
Get them and wear very big/loose fitting shirts when needed
Ask "Why not some D cups?"

View Results | View Detailed ResultsBy Unknown, July 25, 2011
There are so many aspects of femininity that we embrace.

While always maintaining your sense of self and your ability to be assertive which of these aspects do you feel most express a feminine persona?

(9 choice max)
Attention to detail
Fashion sense
Understanding and acceptance of others
Realistic attitudes toward your own position
An intelligent mature approach that shows you understand how deeply this affects so many of us
Respectful inquisitiveness toward situations that seem less likely
A realization that anger often results in or steps from a temporarily subdued intellect (for whatever reason)
Realizing that everyone has different needs and different problems
I am new here, this poll confuses me
I really don;t like other people at all but i come here because i feel a sense of community
I wish i could be better everyday and i am committed to try despite my own issues

View Results | View Detailed ResultsBy Unknown, July 25, 2011
For Sissies: You're sitting down with master to watch a movie together. He tells you how to dress, and to plan on him just MAKING you suck his dick at any time during the movie. What is the most humiliating way to be dressed?

Totally innocent young girl
As his daughter
In whore clothes and makeup
As a tramp/slut
As a housewife
As a bimbo
As a librarian
As a cheerleader
As a slave (naked, with collar, restraints, lipstick and panties, but nothing else)
As a man
As a man, with a "cocksucker" collar and lipstick

View Results | View Detailed ResultsBy Daddy, July 23, 2011
For Sissies: What is the best height for high heels in terms of giving you a sexy walk?

3 inches
4 inches
5 inches
6 inches
7 inches
more than 7 inches
Any height; it's just a matter of training
Still haven't learned to walk sexy
I prefer flats, or small heels

View Results | View Detailed ResultsBy Daddy, July 23, 2011
When you enter the chatroom, are you hoping to see:

(It was so cool to see your responses to the last poll regarding the kinds of pictures you'd like people to pots. Be sure to look below for the results!)

Here is another similar kind of poll - again going to conduct and behavior - apart from the stated rules. It goes to decorum mostly and how you perceive a "good chat" to be, ideally.

(3 choice max)
A friendly and open environment where you feel welcomed and respected.
More risque talk jst about at the level of a cyber conversation but in open channel - fetish appropriate
I want to be overwhelmed by the onslaught of messages trying to get me to involve myself in other people's fetishes/play
I want to be seen as a piece of meat, especially by Men but also for anyone who wants to play
I don't talk in channel - I prefer private conversation.
I find open channel conversations to be silly; I always try to disrupt them for my own fun
I am just here for whatever fun happens around me

View Results | View Detailed ResultsBy Unknown, July 22, 2011
This goes to preference but might actually be helpful in determining proper conduct for newer attendees.

When a Man displays a picture should it be:

(2 choice max)
The same kind of picture he might have on his desk at work;
A picture showing him in his natural state, as if you encountered him walking down the street;
Semi-nude photograph - "R"-rated
A full frontal nude image showing his ereact cock
nothing at all but a close-up of his cock ( some seriously need to get close!)
A pocture of some place or activity that best describes his interests - here

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View Results | View Detailed ResultsBy Unknown, July 20, 2011
You find a magic genie lamp and she/he will grant you one wish, which would you take?

Continue what you are already doing - ie being in the closet about things, if you have a master - things will stay the same.
Being completely dominated by a master, (they tell you what to wear, what to eat, who to fuck) but all your family and friends will know.
Being to live as a woman for 2 years. You will have a menstral cycle, be able to give birth,etc. But after two years, you can NEVER wear woman's clothing again

View Results | View Detailed ResultsBy Unknown, July 20, 2011
Do you wish that everyone who created a Poll would include a "None of the Above" and/or a "Does Not Apply" answer?

(2 choice max)
Does Not Apply
None of the Above
This is the Best Poll in Years!!!!!

View Results | View Detailed ResultsBy kate coxuker, July 20, 2011
sissy males~ what would you rather your misstress made you do?

dress her
use your tounge as toilet paper
live the rest of your life as a baby girl
become pregnant
i will do anything to please her

View Results | View Detailed ResultsBy kirstie, July 19, 2011
Does Theresa often create polls that are disturbing in the depths of their health risks, disappointing in their absurd claims (e.g. 30-50 massive black cocks at once), and distracting in their deficient grammar?

just disturbing due to health risks
just disappointing in their absurdities
just distracting in their poor grammar
all of the above
none of the above; I like being distracted from my desires

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View Results | View Detailed ResultsBy Monica Devoir, July 18, 2011
For all the Sissies, if your mistress or master said you will getting fucked in one week by about 30 t0 50 black guys with excedingly long and big in diameter cocks and you were not to duche or wash your Sissy Boi Pussy for the next week. The reason is that you will be cleaning each cock after it has been up your Sissy Boi Pussy. Would you?

Do it no questions asked and enjoy yourself.
Do it no questions asked but in discust.
Ask why it was being done this way.
refuse to do it>

View Results | View Detailed ResultsBy Theresa, July 18, 2011
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