Any guys/girls on here interested in talking dirty/verbally abusing a submissive sissy slut online? I'm from the UK and would love to hear from dominants from all around the world. All those interested message me xxx

I'd rather fuck you than talk to you

View Results | View Detailed ResultsBy Unknown, November 8, 2015
Have you ever been in an intimate and sexual relationship with a GG (Genetic Girl) in which you could crossdress freely.

I have no sexual interest in GGs
Never but I long to be
Once and I love(d) it
Once but I’m not that interested
A few [2-4]
Many [≥5]
I crossdress freely around my wife

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View Results | View Detailed ResultsBy ValeryFar, November 5, 2015
Have you ever had a GG (Genetic Girl) buy or give you women’s clothes for you to wear (e.g. bras, panties, lingerie, dresses, skirts, heels, etc).

A few times
Many times

View Results | View Detailed ResultsBy ValeryFar, November 5, 2015
I found a new product which claims to make a penis gorgeous and tasty. How would you use it?

(2 choice max)
In front of your daddy, while wearing a micro mini
On a male friend
On a sissy
Would not use it (sounds dangerous)
In front of your wife

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View Results | View Detailed ResultsBy Unknown, October 30, 2015
For sissies: Do you want or long to go out in public dressed as a woman?

I have no desire to be dressed like a woman in public.
I would love to go out in public but, I do not have the confidence or I am afraid of consequences
I do go out but, only occasionally in carefully considered environments
I do go out in public regularly and freely
I live and dress as a woman 24/7

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View Results | View Detailed ResultsBy ValeryFar, October 28, 2015
For sissies: How often do you go out in public dressed as a woman?

A few times a year
One to three times a month
One to four times a week
Almost everyday
I live and dress as a woman 24/7

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View Results | View Detailed ResultsBy ValeryFar, October 28, 2015
For sissies: When you leave your home or apartment dressed as a woman, where do you go?

(3 choice max)
I do not dress outside of my home/apartment
Outdoors (e.g. parks, beaches, public streets, etc.)
Driving in a vehicle
Visit friends or families homes/apartments
Adult books stores, theaters, sex shops etc.
Hotels, motels etc.
Bars, clubs, discos etc.
Shopping for clothes or make up
Anywhere I want or need to go

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View Results | View Detailed ResultsBy ValeryFar, October 28, 2015
So horny right now. I am in panties... but I want to do something more daring. What should I do... if one of the options doesn't look good enough, please message me suggestions.

put on wife's panties and go out into the living room in front of roommate, bend over exposing the panties above my shorts
put on roommates panties and go out into the living room in front of roommate and bend over exposing the panties
#1 + wear wifes panties to work
#2 + wear roommates panties to work

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View Results | View Detailed ResultsBy Unknown, October 22, 2015
Being a married sissy isn't easy when your wife doesn't know about you. Where is the best place to meet your married lover for intimate fun.

Adult Arcade
his car

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View Results | View Detailed ResultsBy Carli Dove, October 12, 2015
Being the submissive sissy that you are, which of the following sounds the most fun and exciting to you?

Licking warm cum out of wet pussy that has just been fucked.
Having several men cum in your panties (while you have them on) and then being forced to wear your cum filled panties for an hour before you suck and lick them clean for their amusement.
Being on all fours while a beautiful woman forces you to eat your own cum out of her hand after giving you a “reach around” while she fucks you with a strap-on.
Being forced to walk on a busy public city street in daylight for two hours dressed as a woman.
Being forced to masturbating on the stage of a small theater in front of an appreciative and amused audience dressed as a woman.
None of the above, they all sound degrading and humiliating to me.

View Results | View Detailed ResultsBy ValeryFar, October 12, 2015
In a perfect world, where your sexual partner(s) totally accepted and desired you for who and what you are now, you would most like to be with which of the following?

A loving man
A loving woman
Loving men and women
A domineering man
A domineering woman
Domineering men and women
Other transgender people
Two or more of the above
None of the Above

View Results | View Detailed ResultsBy ValeryFar, October 12, 2015
For Sissies: I like having sex with men because?

I am totally gay
To express my feminine side
I am bisexual
I don’t like having sex with men

View Results | View Detailed ResultsBy ValeryFar, October 12, 2015
If you could choose, which of the following would you most like to be?

A completely “straight and normal” man
A completely “straight and normal” woman
A bisexual man
A bisexual woman
A homosexual
A lesbian
Transgender, man to woman
Transgender, woman to man
The sissy that I am now
The sissy admirer that I am now
Something other

View Results | View Detailed ResultsBy ValeryFar, October 12, 2015
The main reason you opened an account and are active on Club Sissy is?

Support and advice on being a crossdresser or transgender.
To express, share, and explore my feminine side.
To meet others for friendship.
To meet others for sex.
All the above.

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View Results | View Detailed ResultsBy ValeryFar, October 12, 2015
This is a two part question.
Have you ever been subjected to violence specifically for crossdressing and if so, by whom?

From strangers in public.
From family, friends, or acquaintances.

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View Results | View Detailed ResultsBy ValeryFar, October 12, 2015
This is a two part question.
Have you ever been subjected to violence specifically for crossdressing and if so, by whom?

No, never.
I have been threatened with violence but, not physically hurt.
Yes, once.
Yes, a few times.
Yes, many times.

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View Results | View Detailed ResultsBy ValeryFar, October 12, 2015
Should a still in the closet sissy get any piercings?

(2 choice max)
Yes - Ears
Yes - Nipples
Yes - Navel
Yes - Clitty

View Results | View Detailed ResultsBy Unknown, October 7, 2015
On a scale of one to ten, how do you feel about yourself being a crossdressing sissy?

1 (Horrible!)
6 (Ambivalent)
10 (Wonderful!)

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View Results | View Detailed ResultsBy ValeryFar, October 6, 2015
For Sissies: How do you feel about being a crossdressing sissy?

(2 choice max)
I am ashamed of myself and do not want to be this way.
I am ashamed of myself but, I can’t help it and I love it.
I accept what I am but I would change if I could.
I accept what I am and I am OK with it.
I accept what I am and I like it.
I love being this way as long as it is a secret.
I am proud of who and what I am and don’t care what others think.
I think sissies are very special and unique people and I am OK with what I am.
I think sissies are very special and unique people and I LOVE what I am.

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View Results | View Detailed ResultsBy ValeryFar, October 6, 2015
Which describes you the closest? How far do you go in dressing up in women’s clothing?
I put on panties or lingerie only to masturbate.

I wear panties most of the time.
I wear panties, bras, lingerie, stocking/hose, and heels.
I wear all of the above and I shave parts of my body.
All of the above and dresses, skirts, and blouses too.
All of the above and makeup and hairdos/wigs.
Totally feminine, I shave my entire body and fully dress, including hair, makeup, and jewelry.

View Results | View Detailed ResultsBy ValeryFar, October 6, 2015
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